Ever since we started Sexplore in 2017 (then called “Novisioo” still), we always had sexy suggestions suggested by you. As a result a vast number of the sugg…
Are you looking for a quick sexy suggestion, but have Sexplore not installed on your phone? Starting today, you can ask [the SexploreBot on Tele…
Starting today you can add Sexplore to your homescreen and have quick access to your fun zone where ever you are. 📱 No app needed to install fro…
Marc and I have been together for seven years now. The first three years our sex life was good. After five years I got really busy with work and we only had …
Because of Sexplore me and my girlfriend have found a whole new level of desire for each other. Larissa and I have been together for four years now. Our sex …
Good sex can be the icing on the cake for a love relationship. But what good sex is depends per relationship ánd per person. Communication about what your fa…
Enjoying sex with your partner is something you both have to work for. Key, as with most things in relationships, is clear communication. Your first sexual e…
Want to warm up (and your partner) for some sexy time? Why not go to Netflix? While Netflix does not have any porn movies in the literal sense, it does offer…
Watching a steamy porn movie can kick off some fun times between you and your partner. Setting the mood, getting some new ideas and getting your body ready f…