10 sex suggestions she would love him to do

Here at Sexplore we have hundreds of different suggestions to spice up your sex life. From foreplay to kinky and afterplay. We collected the 10 most popular suggestions she would love him to do with her. Take note gentleman, these suggestion will be almost certainly a hit.

  1. I want to spoon behind her and hold her tight

  2. I want to shower together

  3. I want him to kiss me

  4. I want to fall a sleep together

  5. I want to finger her pussy

  6. I want to spoon her and hold her tits

    Let her by the little spoon and hold them tight. What better way to fall asleep?

  7. I want to try Doggy-style

    She gets on all fours. He kneels behind her, with his upper body straight up or slightly draped over her.

  8. I want him to kiss me in my neck

    Kissing her in the neck is really intimate and when done right, she likely want you to do it more often. As some can be ticklish, it's best to start with some light touching in her neck. Gently stroke around her neck, before you kiss her. The part were the neck meets the collarbone or near her jawline is especially sensitive. Tip: don't keep this just as a “foreplay” act.

  9. I want him to cuddle with me

  10. I want to lick her pussy until she cums

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